Friday, June 09, 2006

Nana Retires

After 35 years at The Wooster Daily Record newspaper, Maria's mom Ann Gasbarre has officially retired. Ann was the Family Pages editor for many years and will still continue to write a weekly column for the paper. The kids threw Nana a party to mark this special retirement milestone. Coccia House restaurant, a Wooster landmark, served up all our favorites while we all celebrated the night away! All the grandkids helped Nana have a most memorable evening.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sweet Keets

At 3 weeks of age our guineas finally needed to move out of the kitchen and into a larger run. We are all entertained by the interesting guinea way of life. Taming the birds came highly recomended, so we started off offering small amounts of white millet from our hands, while singing "a la casa". Hopefully this routine will make it easy to get the birds back to their coop at night once we allow them to free range. Millet is suposedly guinea candy, but we've also found lettuce just as enticing. Every afternoon the keets have had a bit of time to investigate our flower beds while eating every moving speck in sight.