Thursday, July 08, 2004

Dead Animal Parts - I

Our family friend Ed Rankin helped Sam with a fun project to add more animal parts to his bedroom collection which currently includes snake skin, cattle skull, petrified fish, dog testicles, and what else I'm not sure since I haven't looked under his bed lately. Last fall Ed contributed four deer paws from his hunt so Sam could make a deer paw coat rack. (I know, it sounds like we've moved to West Virginia. But as of yet that hasn't happened.) After the paws spent the winter and spring tied into shape buried in rock salt, they were finally ready for mounting last week. So Sam worked with Ed to fashion a backboard out of a walnut plank harvested from Ed's yard. Ed is a first class wood worker and so was able create something beautiful in an hour that would have taken me weeks to do poorly. However, I did provide moral support by sitting in a chair and consuming an ice cold imported beer.(Now its really starting to sound like WVA,except for the "imported" part.) So we'll look forward to your next visit when you can hang your hat on Sam's newest furnishing. Thanks Ed.

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