Friday, August 11, 2006

Beijing Street Foods

In the eyes of Sam Clements food is not just sustenance, it is a mulitdimentional, time-occupying pleasure. Beijing street vendors offered us new levels of creativity with questionable hygene to boot. The Jianbing, or Egg Mc Mao as we called it is a huge egg-coated crepe. It is made to order often from a make-shift griddle on the back of a bike. Costing about 25 cents, this delicacy became Sam's breakfast fave.
And if balloon animals weren't already cute enough, they have competition. Street vendors heat up bowls of molassas into taffy. A small piece of the taffy is stretched and air is blown into it to create a snack that remembles a blown glass sculpture on a stick. Could this be the perfect summer internship for Sam??!

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